“John Wick: Chapter 2; In the installment the story takes a dive into the world established in the initial series of episodes. The film explores themes of loyalty, betrayal and cause and effect storytelling within John Wicks universe. Keanu Reeves delivers a performance, as John Wick, supported by a cast including Ian McShane, Common and Laurence Fishburne.
Director Chad Stahelski presents action sequences of proportions that captivate viewers with their energy and intensity making the movie a joy to watch. The musical score by Tyler Bates and Joel J. Richard adds depth to the film while the cinematography and production design excel in creating scenes with an elegant touch.
Although special effects are used sparingly they shine brightest during gripping fight scenes that mimic real life combat scenarios. The paced editing keeps the movie moving at a pace akin, to a race track.””Ultimately ‘John Wick; Chapter 2’ proves to be a follow up. It incorporates elements, from the installment and familiar characters delivering a energy action packed experience that keeps viewers engaged and on the edge of their seats.”