Remaking “Lupin Part 1”, we swiftly entered a world of crime, wit, and adventure by following Assane Diop on his revenge against the rich Pellegrini family. The movie intertwines repressed past, familial relations, and the current unequities to every bit of the story, and hence, the viewers keep themselves on the edge of their seats.
Omar Sy in succession of his remarkable performance of Assane Diop, portrays the plausibility of this human nature with skill and the real weight and nature of his personal vendetta. Another important aspect is the work of actors in the supporting cast who deliver performances that maintain the tension and raise depth towards the narrative.
“Lupin Part 3” -the heart-pumping romance of Assane Diops who crafts complex plans, hauls the rope through thorny schemes and struggles with private issues. His royal allies Encountering these hardships, Sébastien doesn’t give up, hires loyal accomplices like Bruno and Benjamin, who assist him the Black Pearl, executes the stunt of his own death, and oversees the rescue of his mother.