Frances Annan’s political thriller “Escape from Pretoria”, tells the story of Tim Jenkin and Stephen Lee, who had managed to escape South Africa’s notorious Pretoria Central Prison—a prison famous for its apartheid-era where activists would be imprisoned. The film encapsulates human courage; those fighting an oppressive.
Jenkin and Lee are the key characters in this plot who carefully organize a seemingly impossible escape from prison. The film focuses on the psychological aspect of imprisonment, reflecting each character’s vulnerability and strength. The performances by Daniel Radcliffe and Daniel Webber stand out, reflecting the deep friendship that’s born from shared adversity and mutual ambition.
The way Annan demands brings an air of claustrophobia and tension in the prison walls, while its production design portrays a bleak atmosphere pf dejection that prevails inside these barricaded boundaries. The score of David Hirschfelder goes hand in hand with the film enhancing its tension and reflects every character’s emotional roller coaster.